
As stores run out of hand sanitizer, prices skyrocket online due to coronavirus

Posted at 8:59 AM, Mar 03, 2020

TAMPA, Fla. — As the number of confirmed coronavirus cases ticks up, people are stocking up on hand sanitizer which is leading to prices skyrocketing online.

If you search for hand sanitizer on Amazon, several listings mark the product as out of stock.


But the I-Team also found example of price gouging, like a 2-pack of 8-ounce hand sanitizers listed for $114.97. Another listing showed a hand sanitizer for $55.

A 12-pack of 8-ounce hand sanitizers was priced at $200. A listing on Walmart's website showed you can typically get the same product for $16.

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Coronavirus_Hand Sanitizer3.png

The CDC says if soap and water aren't readily accessible, to use a hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol.


The I-Team contacted the office of State Attorney General Ashley Moody, who polices price gouging, and received this statement:

Our office is reaching out to retailers to help ensure Floridians can afford health-related products. We continue to review all complaints related to the Coronavirus and will pursue any we find actionable. With respect to products, manufacturers and sellers should be forewarned that our office will aggressively pursue any misleading marketing regarding health claims or scams during this public health emergency.

The I-Team contacted Amazon about the extreme price hikes on its site and a spokesperson released this statement.

There is no place for price gouging on Amazon. We are disappointed that bad actors are attempting to artificially raise prices on basic need products during a global health crisis and, in line with our long-standing policy, have recently blocked or removed tens of thousands of offers. We continue to actively monitor our store and remove offers that violate our policies.