CAPE CORAL, Fla. — The classroom looks just like any other, and the mission of The Army Junior Officer Training Corps (JROTC) is shared by all teachers at Cape Coral High School (CCHS).
“All of our missions and our objectives are to figure out what their dream is,” said John Humphries, an Army Instructor for Cape Coral High School.
Humphries and Instructor Greg Frohmann are part of the JROTC program at CCHS.
“I entered the service in 1976, high school graduate, always wanted to be a soldier,” said Humphries.

“As I was continuing my military service I thought one day I wanted to teach JROTC in a high school,” he said.
Instructor Greg Frohmann said his path to joining the army started with his own troubles in the classroom.
“I actually dropped out of high school at 18 years old,” said Frohmann.
Their two different paths all leading to the same place - and now sharing the same goal.

“We will have one or two that may decide the service life but we have had many decide to become electricians, lawyers, doctors, teachers..." said Humphries.
“Your entire time as a leader in the service you are educating,” said Frohmann.
Instructor Frohmann said the JROTC program focuses on teaching students character education, student achievement, wellness, leadership, and diversity.

The Lee County School District has 88 educators who are military veterans.
“ I love watching them from freshman coming in all awkward fresh out of middle school to young men and women that are just ready to tackle life," said Frohmann.