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THE WAIT IS OVER: FDOT completes I-75 and Colonial intersection

Have you driven through it yet? Email and share your experience.
fdot colonial i75

FORT MYERS, Fla. — Hopefully, Colonial Boulevard won't cause you as much of a headache as it once did.

FDOT finished work on the intersection at Colonial and I-75 Sunday, but Monday was the first day commuters could really feel the change in the traffic pattern.

The intersection is now what FDOT calls a continuous flow intersection which means the left turn lane and through traffic go at the same time.

Click to find out what one driver told Lee County Community Correspondent Ella Rhoades about his experience with these changes:

THE WAIT IS OVER: FDOT completes I-75 and Colonial intersection

If you want make the left turn follow the traffic signs because the left turn lane is a crossover lane and makes you turn before the intersection.

FDOT said this new intersection is better for safety and traffic, especially, with all the growth we have in Southwest Florida.

FDOT started the project in 2021 and was supposed to finish it at the end of last year but ended up finishing construction a few months later.

Find more information on the road improvements here.

Marcus Jones has lived in Fort Myers his whole life and said the improvement work well, so far.

"Up and down and down and up Colonial gets real clustered, but so far since they started doing the new developments, it's opened up more lanes. Got more spaces to move helps out," Marcus Jones said.

As a reminder, intersections at 6 Mile Cypress and Ortiz Avenue are still regular intersections.