LABELLE, Fla — The Hendry County School District is getting some big upgrades, like a self-contained internet system and a new generator for emergency preparedness. Fox 4’s Hendry County Community Correspondent Austin Schargorodski works in the area every day, so he asked the district’s superintendent how the updates will impact the entire community.
Watch Austin's report here...
Last week, the district broke ground on a project to create its own internet network. Superintendent Mike Swindle says they’ll lay 52 miles of fiber across the county to delver reliable and dedicated service for schools.
He says it’s about keeping up with how students learn now. “Today’s students learn much different than they did just a handful of years ago. These students grow up in a very technological world so we try to meet them where they’re able to learn,” said Swindle.

All that learning tech - tablets, laptops, and smart devices - requires fast, reliable internet. Right now, Swindle said schools share the same “highway” with other districts, which can lead to major slowdowns and even days-long outages.
“There was actually a fiber cut in Miami that serviced all the way to Hendry County. It was out of our control - nothing that happened on our end - a problem 100 miles away that still caused major interruptions to the education here,” Swindle explained.

Swindle says becoming their own internet provider will solve that, making the system more efficient and secure. He said a federal grant will pay for the nearly $5-million project.
On Thursday, County Commissioners also approved a one-and-a-half million dollar’s for a generator at LaBelle Middle School, which will turn it into the County’s Primary Emergency Shelter.
“Typically during an emergency the shelters aren’t great places to be. There’s no AC, there’s not a lot of space and a lot of people in a confined space. So, when we do have to shelter people it would be nice to have air conditioning and electricity and this will allow us that opportunity,” said Bob Pastula, Director of Hendry County Emergency Management.

Pastula said the generator will also keep the school running during routine power outages. Swindle says both projects are expected to be completed by the 2026 school year.