LABELLE, Fla. — “Who would think that you’re sitting inside you’re house on a Sunday, and for no reason, someone drives a vehicle right through your house, and immediately you’re getting hit by gunfire,” said Lee County Sheriff, Carmine Marceno, in a joint news conference on Monday with Hendry County Sheriff Steve Whidden
He was talking about a wild scene in Hendry County, where, the Sheriff says, a driver rammed an SUV through the garage of a Lee deputy's home, and then opened fire with a handgun.
Sheriff Marceno said the deputy was inside the house with his family, so he immediately grabbed his firearm and sprung into action to protect them.
“He’s a hero. He saved his and his family’s lives while sitting at home on a Sunday. I’m very proud that he’s able to work and stand with us during this event, and thank god nobody was hurt,” said Marceno.
The Lee County Sheriff’s Office said the Hendry County Sheriff’s Office also responded to the scene to help arrest the suspect, 32-year-old Derek Evan Weber. Marceno said be believes this was a targeted attack because the deputy's patrol car was being parked at the home.

However, no additional information was provided, regarding what may have provoked such a violent response. A preliminary search of county databases Fox 4 conducted didn't turn up much on Weber, who now faces several charges, including attempted premeditated murder.
After the scene was cleared, Sheriff Marceno said deputies helped secure the damaged home home by boarding up the garage. The Sheriff said the deputy, who was also not identified, is on administrative leave and will receive wellness care to properly recover from such a personal attack.
“That’s a very traumatic incident, and we have to make sure that they’re mentally okay, and if they come back, they come back in the right mindset,” Marceno stated.