

Butterball's 'Turkey Talk Line' is here to help you cook your turkey this Thanksgiving

Posted 10:39 AM, Nov 15, 2018
and last updated 12:15 PM, Nov 15, 2018

The Butterball "Turkey Talk-Line" has been answering turkey-related questions from people for more than 30 years. 

The special phone line is open every November and December with more than 50 experts on hand to answer more than 100,000 questions for thousands of households around the U.S. and Canada. 

The talk-line says they have an expert for everyone. They've diversified their ranks and added Spanish-speaking experts and male Talk-Line experts. 

This year, there's a new way to get your turkey cooking help from Butterball, and it's hands-free. Amazon has partnered with Butterball to create an Amazon Echo "skill" so you can ask "Alexa" questions about your turkey. 

The Butterball experts are available to answer your questions by phone, online chat, and email. They're ready to talk all things turkey! Call 1-800-BUTTERBALL (1-800-288-8372) or text 844-877-3456. Learn more here.

2018 Turkey Talk-Line Hours (Central Standard Time):

  • November 1st - 16th: 8 am - 8 pm (Monday - Friday)
  • November 17th - 18th: 8 am - 6 pm
  • November 19th - 20th: 7 am - 9 pm
  • November 21st: 7am - 10pm
  • November 22nd (Thanksgiving Day): 6 am - 6 pm
  • November 23rd - December 21st: 8 am - 6 pm (Monday - Friday)
  • December 22nd - 23rd: 8 am - 2 pm
  • December 24th (Christmas Eve): 8 am - 2 pm