NAPLES, Fla. — The Shelter for Abused Women and Children says it’s around the holiday season when domestic violence incidents rise. The shelter has all kinds of programming in place to help.
Kim Storfer is the Naples Emergency Center Manager. The facility provides transitional living cottages. This is where families can live at no cost while they return to school or estalish a career, post abusive relationship. The facility also has an on-site shelter, somatic therapy practices, a pantry, free haircuts, and so much more.
"A lot of times women will stay in their homes over Christmas. "They don’t want to break up that family unit, so they’ll come in right after Christmas," she said.
Storfer says the influx of people needing shelter services through the winter months is because alcohol is often involved during holiday celebrations. In a family where abusive dynamics exist, spending more time together can lead to violent situations.
She says early stages of abuse and control can look various ways.
"You have to give up your friends, you’re not allowed to see family. You’re not allowed to see outside people. That’s a big one because they don’t want anybody to know what’s happening," she said.
Take a look at this Collier County map:

There were 1,421 domestic violence 911 calls in 2023. Many of those families end up at the Shelter for Abused Women and Children.
The shelter encourages people who are looking for help to complete this intake form and to be aware of how an abusive cycle continues.
"Once there is an incident, they’re very loving. They go out, buy a gift, apologize, [and say] this will never happen again, those types of things," Storfer says.
You can also get help by calling 1-800-500-1119.