

Failed inspections of Lee County lunchrooms


LEE COUNTY, Fla.- Complaints about food in Lee County lunchrooms bubbling up on Fox 4's Facebook page after we showed you images of what some kids found in their food at South Fort Myers High School. 

Fox 4 pulled the school's food inspection reports, which showed the high school earned an unsatisfactory score in both September and January- leading to re-inspections that were deemed satisfactory. 

The Lee County School District says the unsatisfactory scores were due to salads being out of temperature at 49 degrees instead of a maximum of 41 degrees, recorded January 12, 2016. A piece of food holding equipment was replaced and all violations were corrected for the re-inspection which took place February 9, 2016. 

Amber Chesley, the parent of a student at South Fort Myers High School, has seen inside of the kitchen and says the cleanliness meets her standards, the conditions of the food does not. 

"They need to go back to the distributor, they need to go back to the manufacturer and they need to do the checks just like I did with Ms. Sammy today."  

Two other Lee County schools have current unsatisfactory scores. 

One which occurred on February 26, 2016 at Edison Park Elementary which uncovers there was a sick employee working in the kitchen at the time of the inspection. Adding to the list was a dirty interior of the ice machine and knobs and switches on the ovens. 

The District responded to the inspection in an email saying "the re-inspection is scheduled for 3/1/16 and all will be corrected." 

Corrections are also in order at Rayma C Page Elementary, earlier this month- a health inspector found a leaking sink and two holes in the walk-in cooler. 

The District assured Fox 4, "all will be corrected by the 2/26/16 re-inspection date." 

The District says the Executive Director of Food Services and School Principals take violations very seriously, and when they consider the volume  of food and students served, complaints are few and far between. 

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