

Southwest Florida's take on Trump's VP pick


Janette Tristani says she's been true to her roots for years, but whether or not she'll be voting for Donald Trump in November, is still up in the air.

"I've been a Republican for a very long time," Tristani said. "There's a possibility, I might just go for Mr. Trump."

Donald Trump announced Indiana Governor Mike Pence as his running mate just days ago. Tristani says it's a pick that caught her off guard and has left her with a long list of questions.

"It's a surprise. I'd like to do research a little bit more on him," she says.

Other voters like William Rylie say they hoped Trump would have picked someone different.

"John Kasich. He's got the history, he's worked with both sides and he knows how the system works."

Four In Your Corner sat down with Collier County Republican Executive Committee Chairman, Mike Lyster, who will be serving as a delegate to the Republican National Convention.

"If you were going to pick a convention to attend the last 20 or 30 years, this one would be the one," Lyster said.

Lyster says among the list of options, the Indiana Governor is a solid choice. "I think Governor Pence has done a great job, he's a great, solid conservative."

FOX 4 asked Lyster if Trump's VP pick is designed to balance his temper. He says the presumptive GOP nominee just needs someone focused with expertise and executive experience.

"I think what you really need is somebody that can work with the congress, understands congress, and can make sure that Mr. Trumps priorities are getting the same priority in congress."