

Catchy displays help pets get adopted


FORT MYERS, Fla -- Lee County Animal Services thought of a creative way to celebrate this year's National Adopt A Shelter Pet Day.

The idea of decorating the shelter in order to show off the animals at the kennel by decorating their temporary homes in order to help land them a permanent one.

"They did a really cute job," said Amy Jones after touring the minion, super hero, and Star Wars displays.

The "Flip this Kennel" displays turned some heads.

"What we are really hoping is that when people come in and look at these kennels they are really going to focus on the dogs and cats that are inside them and give them a good home," said Ria Brown of Lee County Animal Services.

The is the first year they are putting on the event. They hope to make it a yearly tradition. "Flip this Kennel" is  a week long competition. Visitors vote on their favorite displays and at the end of the week prizes will be awarded for both the decorators and a lucky winner.

"There will be a trophy for the winning kennel but everybody that votes will be a eligible for a prize drawing," said Brown.

But the real prize for so many people that visited the shelter is making a new friend.

As the people were passing by the displays, all of the animals were energetic from all the new found attention.

"They are very excited, there is a lot of activity around their kennels," said Brown.

Lee County Animal Services spicing up "Flip this Kennel" with special promotions all this week

"We have great animals here that just need homes," said Brown.