

Guitar stolen from Cape Coral church


Plywood and broken glass lining these windows after a break in at this Cape Coral church. The Pentecostal Church of God where the break in happened is right off on Pine Island road.

"It is common to find that your business has been broken into," said Sgt. Dana Coston, of Cape Coral Police. "It is even more uncommon to find that a house of worship has been broken into."

Cape Coral police investigating the robbery. Officials say the bandits did about four hundred dollars worth of damage to this small church. But it was the crooks made away with that might surprise you.

"We found after doing a walk through with the pastor that a $300 Les Paul Guitar had been stolen," said Sgt. Coston.

The Cape Coral Police Department wants the community to be on the lookout for the guitar. Especially if it pops up either online or a nearby pawn shop.

"We are hoping that everybody knows this particular model of guitar, which is pretty distinctive in the way that it looks is out there," said Coston. "There is somebody trying to get rid of it."

The Centro Christian Church is right next to the one where the guitar burglary took place. A church administrator telling Four in Your Corner over the phone they too had an attempted break-in but their security system spooked the intruders.

Sgt. Coston said they need the community's help to help make an arrest in this case.

"We are sincerely hoping that this small church can be made whole by somebody out there in the community recognizing the guitar saying this doesn't make sense that somebody will want to get rid of this and that they'll step up," said Coston.