

Intersection without light: "It's a death trap"

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Following a string of crashes at a busy Cape Coral intersection a man who witnessed one of the crashes is calling for change. 
"You take your life into your own hands every time you cross this road,' said Kevin Bailey.
According to the FDOT, more than 70 crashes have occurred at the intersection of NE Pine Island Road and 24th Avenue. The agency says they are working on a plan to install a light at the crossing, however a timeline has not been issued. 
Cape Coral's Transportation Advisory Board is scheduled to meet Wednesday to go over a plan to improve safety at the intersection. 
Bailey crosses the intersection everyday, and after witnessing dozens of collisions there he refers to it as a 'death trap'.
"Over there, over there, over here, over here, all merging at once nobody knows where to go," said Bailey. 
During one of his usual trips through the intersection on January 26 he witnessed a violent collision that he says he'll never forget. 
"I jumped out of my truck and I ran over and I pounded on her hood to see. It looked like she was knocked out," said Bailey. "Then I ran over to the dump trunk, it was tipped over and then when I was walking back she started saying my baby, my baby," said Bailey. 
The baby she was crying for was the woman's 11 year-old son. He suffered a broken neck and ribs, as well as brain injury after a dump truck rear-ended the car he was in. The accident also injured the boy's mother and the driver the truck. 
Bailey believes a traffic light at the intersection could have prevented the crash. When asked if the area needed a light he was sure. 
"Yea, definitely a couple lights. One going this way and one that way," said Bailey. 
While FDOT says the intersection is on its radar, it's not clear when the site will get a light and until it does Bailey says he's going to continue to speak out. 
"Every time I have my two kids in the car I say 'oh here we go! We're going to risk our lives crossing the road right now. Here it is the death trap," said Bailey.