

FMB voters overwhelmed by lengthy ballot

It's election Tuesday in Florida, but on Fort Myers Beach it's more like super Tuesday.
The presidential primaries seems to take a backseat, as voters here elect city council members, and decide on nearly two dozen referendums. 
"It just seemed like boom once we got our ballots there were all these referendums," said David Tezak.
"Its ridiculous," said Karen Nichols. "If they have ballot questions it should be limited to ten or under.
For Nichols, tackling the lengthy ballot required for a little homework. 
There is a lot of ballot questions, so I did my research," said Nichols. 
The four page ballot long asked voters to decide on 21 referendums;  ranging from term limits to city council salaries. 
Councilman Dan Andre, who is running to keep his council seat, says he wanted a separate election for the referendums.
"Currently being on the council I wanted to postpone those referendums because I thought it was too many," said Andre. 
Andre and his supporters only favored one question for Tuesday's ballot.
"The only thing I wanted to see on the ballot was long-term funding for storm water," said Andre.
While the ballot was the longest in Lee county, it didn't slow down the line and many voters agreed the issues needed to be addressed sooner rather than later. 
"It's good that council put them out to the towns folks to decide on the important issues," said David Anderson, voter.