

Lee Co. Democrats slam Trump during SWFL visit


FORT MYERS, Fla. -- The Democratic Party of Lee County held their own press conference, Monday, as Republican Presidential candidate Donald Trump held a rally in Southwest Florida.

The group called for an investigation into Trump's finances, particularly Trump University. While Florida's attorney general Pam Bondi was investigating fraud claims at Trump University, the Trump foundation donated $25,000 to her re-election campaign. "She took cash and dropped the case against Donald Trump and the University," said April Freeman, Congressional Candidate for Florida's 17th Congressional District.

Bondi denies the donation is connected to her office's decision to drop the case against Trump. The group asked for people to vote against him. "America is a country of acceptance progress and tolerance," said Yoseph Tedros, Chair of the Democratic Party of Lee County. "Hillary Clinton is that candidate."

Recent polls, however, show Clinton struggling to keep her lead. The big reason -- she's not winning over white voters. "What she needs to do is tell them how she will bring jobs and what kind of jobs and the educational opportunities to those people," said independent voter and author Teresa Jenkins.

Tedros, however, believes Clinton will come out on top after the debates. "The debate is going to decide who knows what they're talking about and who has been b-s-ing all this time," he said. "Once the first debate is over, you're going to start seeing the polls change."

Clinton is doing very well when it comes to Latino and black voters. If she wins Florida, it will be extremely difficult for Trump to win the presidency.