

Local GOP Leader: It's all about the delegates

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Republican front runner Donald Trump continues to prove his candidacy is no fluke.
He captured the South Carolina primary Saturday night, and with it, most of the state's 50 delegates.
"He is tapping into literally, maybe a stronger word is anger," said Collier County Republican Party Chairman Michael Lyster.
With 3 primary states in the books, and 47 left there is still a long way to go until the Republican party nominates a candidate.
Former Florida Governor Jeb Bush won't be among the last candidates standing when that process is complete.  He withdrew from the race after finishing fourth in South Carolina.  Lyster believes Bush's silence a a number of issues doomed his candidacy.
"Common Core, and immigration, and the Bush name gets mixed reviews if you talk to Republicans."
Another Floridian still left in the race, Senator Marco Rubio, is battling fellow Senator Ted Cruz for second place in most polls.
"The key word is survive, can they get to March 15th," adds Lyster.
To do that, the four remaining candidates chasing trump will have to snag as many delegates as they can in the so-called Super Tuesday states to keep pace with Trump. The Republicans will hold primaries in 12 states from Alabama to Alaska on March 1st.
Two weeks later, Florida, Ohio, North Carolina, Michigan and Missouri are up with winner take-all contests.
In the latter primaries, the first place finisher wins all of the states delegates.  But the second and third place finishers get a portion of the delegates in the March 1st primaries.
"I continue to believe that you have to start looking very closely at delegate count," said Lyster.
As it stands now, Trump leads the pack with 67 delegates.  It takes 1,237 to nominate a candidate.