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CAPE CORAL | Jewish Community shares what their family is experiencing in Israel

Florida Palestine Network responds to war
Israel Palestinians

CAPE CORAL, Fla. — In the midst of the war in Israel, many residents in Southwest Florida are feeling the impact here in Cape Coral.

The Chabad Jewish Center in Cape Coral, is a place where many Jews gather to worship. According to the Rabbi, many people who worship at the center have loved ones who were killed in the war happening in Israel.

Rabbi Yossi Lbkowski said what's happening in Israel is genocide.

“It’s really like a Holocaust," Rabbi Labkowski said.

The Rabbi couldn't believe he was saying those words as he thought about the surprise attack on the Jewish people of Israel.

“Murdering them in their dining rooms, in their bedrooms, just going in and murdering any and everybody," Rabbi Labkowski said.

The Rabbi told Fox 4's Briana Brownleehe has friends and family who are stuck in the country and watching the carnage first hand.

“They are sheltered at their home, there are alarms going off because there our rockets are flying overhead or landing in their communities," Rabbi Labkowski said.

The Rabbi said he isn't the only one going through this fear and pain because majority of his congregation have loved ones in Israel as well.

"There is somebody here, his niece with her husband and with three children—young children were burnt," Rabbi Labkowski said. "The house was set on fire and then they were shot."

In the midst of this war, more than 1000 people have been killed—resulting in the Israeli government declaring war.

But the Florida Palestine Network said Israel is the root cause of that violence because it has oppressed Palestinians in Gaza.

"It's Israel's occupation, apartheid polices and ethnic cleansing of the Palestinian people over 75 years that is the source of all the violence," the Florida Palestine Network stated.

The Florida Palestine Network Responds

The Jewish Federation of Naples also sent Fox 4 a statement.

Once again, on a holy day of the Jewish calendar, the people of Israel have come under attack. Once again, the brave military forces of the State of Israel are responding and will defend our beloved Jewish state. And once again the Jewish communities of North America stand in total and complete solidarity with our Israeli brethren.
Jeffrey Feld, CEO, Jewish Federation of Greater Naples

”It shouldn’t happen, people should be able to practice their religion, be who they are without fear of someone attacking them," Rabbi Labkowski said.

Rabbi Mendy Greenberg with the Chabad Jewish Center in Bonita Springs said everyone in his community is hurting and in mourning.

He sent Fox 4, "7 things you can do for Israel now".