CAPE CORAL, Fla. — "I feel like I'm robbed because every Cape Coral resident is kind of frustrated with Waste Pro. We have to pay the taxes at the end of the year are included with garbage pickup," says Cape Coral resident Carlos Feliciano.
Feliciano is just one of many residents who can't seem to get his trash picked up.
He says it's been a month since the last time Waste Pro picked up his garbage, and now it's stacking high.
"Waste Pro sent a letter stating that the garbage, all the yard debris and bulk was going to be picked up on the same day as garbage day."
But garbage day came and went again and again, and the trash stayed put.
"We all understand that they're short staffed and people get sick, but a month is kind of out of the ordinary and frustrating for the neighborhood."
He says he's called Waste Pro himself, but it didn't take him very far.
"I've called several times, every week as a matter of fact, and they can't even give me a definite date on when they'll be able to. But they put in the complaints, according to them."
Cape Coral Mayor John Gunter says that he also is frustrated with Waste Pro's lack of performance.
"For me, that's unacceptable. They have a contract with the city, they have to meet their contractual responsibilities."
The Mayor says options will be presented in the next city council meeting.
"Next Wednesday, our city manager will hopefully be bringing those options forward to see exactly what we can do to try to mitigate the current situation that we're in."
A situation that residents like Carlos say is ruining the beauty of the city he's come to call home.
"The neighborhood looks like crap and we feel like we live in a dump now. And Cape Coral is known for its beauty," says Feliciano.