

Cape Coral sends supplies to Hurricane Maria victims



The hearts of many people in Southwest Florida are with Hurricane Maria victims in Puerto Rico.

The storm crushed the U.S. territory and supplies needed to get to victims.

One Cape Coral woman was born and grew up in Puerto Rico. She felt their pain which is why she rallied friends, family, and strangers to lend a hand.

“I saw what was happening in Puerto Rico and was heartbroken,” said Ruiz, as she organized a relief effort at Saratoga Lakes Park in Cape Coral.

Ruiz is worried about her loved ones on the island.

“It’s good to know they are okay,” said Ruiz. “But, it would be just so much better to hear their voice,” she added.

Ruiz kept herself busy with this donation drive for hurricane victims rather than being worried. She was touched by all the donations people dropped off Friday afternoon.

“I knew Cape Coral would come through for me,” she said. “I love Cape Coral and I see they are loving us back. They realize they aren't just Puerto Ricans but Americans,” she added.

Ruiz plans to deliver the trailer load of supplies to the Step of Faith Ministry in Naples. The congregation will accept donations from October 1st through the 10th for Hurricane Maria victims.