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COLLIER COUNTY | County explores allowing residents to rent out guest houses


NAPLES, Fla. — Collier County is surveying the public about changing regulations around guest homes. Currently, guest houses may not be leased or rented per county rules.

Officials are discussing the possibility of lifting these restrictions, citing the supply and demand of rental homes.

The county held a public meeting at the South Regional Library in Naples, where they sought input from residents on altering existing rules to permit homeowners to rent out private guest homes in the Urban Estates area.

According to Michael Bosi, the Planning Director at Collier County Government, this initiative could potentially address the rental home imbalance. "The county has recognized that there's a supply and demand issue," Bosi stated.

One meeting attendee expressed enthusiasm for the idea.
"I'm for it because it works in other parts of the country, and I think Collier County needs to get up to speed with the rest of the country," said Anthony Dwyer, an attendee.

Critics expressed doubts, with one individual suggesting the motive behind the change was to generate more tax revenue for the county.

"I'm kind of suspect of this whole thing, and it just kind of feels like they want to have more control," said attendee Michelle Mace. "I don't want people telling me what I can do with do with my property and what I can't" she added.

The county emphasized that the event was primarily intended to collect feedback and opinions, which would be compiled into a comprehensive report. Bosi says the report would eventually be presented to the Board of County Commissioners for their consideration and further action.