Collier County schools resume Monday after nearly three weeks of cancelled classes due to Hurricane Irma.
More than 20 schools were converted into shelters when Hurricane Irma forced thousands out of their homes.
Schools like Palmetto Ridge High School are working non-stop to get their campuses ready for the September 25th deadline after taking in hundreds of evacuees.
"Our gym was completely cleared out our band room the instruments were completely stored in storage closets and lockers," Palmetto Ridge High Principal Jon Bremseth told Fox 4.
After they closed down his school the Wednesday before the storm, Bremseth is excited to reopen his school's doors more than 1900 students.
After taking in more than 800 people, custodial staff at Palmetto Ridge High have been working in 12 hour shifts to make sure the school is clean enough for students when they return.
Principal Bremseth took Fox 4 around the campus and showed us the gymnasium and the band room where temporary cots and backup generators once stood wall top wall.
When told about parent's concerns about the cleanliness of the school after being used as a shelter, Principal Bremseth said, "I have to say that i can guarantee that the school will be clear and ready to go. My custodial staff is bar non exceptional ."
Helping out with the relief is Josh Harden of Servicemaster Specialty Restoration Services. He came to help with the cleanup of Hurricane Irma after his team finished working on the efforts in Texas for Hurricane Harvey. After clearing up a bit of flooding in the auditorium josh and his team plan to finish getting the school back in shape.
"We will do the cleanup process starting tomorrow, and that'll be about a day to three day process."
Principal Bremseth wants his school to look exactly the way when his students left the Wednesday before the storm.