

Family searches for answers in father's disappearance

Kelvin Close has been missing since September 13th
and last updated

FORT MYERS, Fla. -- A 66-year-old Lee County man has been missing since September 13th and his family is desperately searching for him.

Kelvin Close was last seen when he left his home in the Palms of Monterrey in Fort Myers for a doctors appointment four miles away. Forty minutes later, he called his family saying he was lost in Naples. His family was able to guide him back to I-75 north, but Close became lost again and called his family after he passed his exit at Daniels Parkway. That was the last time his family heard from him.

His daughter, Alexis Close, says the last location the Lee County Sheriff's Office was able to ping his cell phone was off Tucker's Grade in Charlotte County.

"Since then, his phone is off. No credit card activity. No mobile phone activity. No sightings," Alexis said.

She's checked all the hospitals from Sarasota through Collier County, but hasn't found Close.

"He's the glue that keeps us all together," Alexis said. "I would call him and leave him some messages because you could still hear his voice. It's hard. It's really hard."

Three years ago, Close fell and hit his head and suffered a brain bleed. Alexis said ever since, he's been forgetful and gets easily lost. She's afraid someone took advantage of her father's friendliness or the fact that he had cash and a new car.

She said she and her family aren't giving up hope in finding Kelvin Close.

"Until I have a reason to believe he's not coming home, I'm not going to stop trying. I'm not going to stop looking. I'm not going to stop doing everything I can to find him," Alexis said.

Kelvin Close is 66 years old with a horseshoe-shaped scar on his nose. He was last seen wearing a blue shirt and khaki shorts. He was driving in a gold 2017 4-door Honda Accord with the license plate number Y14PGF.

If you have any information, you're asked to call the Lee County Sheriff's Office.