LEE CO., Fla. — Today the Lee County School Board will start talking about redrawing district lines.
There are seven districts throughout Lee County and the goal is to have them be as closely equal in population as possible. This is called ‘redistricting’ and it can only happen during an odd-numbered year. Just like the state's congressional districts will change, so will the school board's districts.

It's all based on population and making a new map so each of the school board members represents about the same number of families. The county is divided among five major districts. Districts six and seven are elected at-large and overlook the entire county. Based off the most recent U.S. Census data, district two has the highest population. Right now, that district is a large part of Fort Myers.
Through redistricting, board members will be looking to make districts equal in terms of population so they can have equal representation. Today, the board will start looking at possible map changes- five of them, in fact- and they plan to vote on one in December.
Now because of Covid-19, census data was released later than usual this year. So what is typically a ten-month process has now been condensed into three months. Today’s meeting will be to discuss the need to redistrict and introduce these proposed maps. A second board briefing is planned for October 19th and a third meeting for November 16th.
The school district plans to adopt a new map on December 7th. The Lee County Board of Commissioners is also meeting this morning to discuss this same topic.
You can find more information, including a timeline, regarding redistricting and 2020 U.S. Census data right here.