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Fort Myers neighborhoods watch flood water fill their streets Wednesday

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FORT MYERS, Fla. — People are still seeing the affects of Idalia a day after it passed by Southwest Florida, with a King Tide already in the area because of the super moon.

Neighbors anxiously watched as water crept up to their doorsteps Wednesday.

Residents of Sun-N-Fun Mobile Home and RV Park on Palm Beach Boulevard saw knee-high waters throughout the day.

"I’ve been talking to some people driving around here in golf carts that have lived here their whole lives, and they’re just really disgusted with the whole situation," said Victor Coletta, a new resident of Sun-N-Fun Mobile Home and RV Park.

Neighbors on the north side of McGregor Boulevard told Fox 4 the water was up to the street at its peak.

“Our flooding for this storm was pretty minor and we’re very happy about that," said Mark Pace, who lives off McGregor Boulevard. "Having gone through Hurricane Ian, we had in my house 29 inches of flood water inside, so this was much better.”

People were checking out what a storm surge combined with a King Tide on the night of a super moon means for their nearly-waterfront properties.

At Sun-N-Fun, water filled the north end of the neighborhood for hours. Coletta said Ian destroyed his house 11 months ago and he's hoping he does not have to face any more flood damage.

“I was living in a motor home till I moved in here," said Coletta. "I’m just hoping it doesn’t come up and do anything again to mess up all the work that I did.”

After having two storms threaten their homes within one year, it's something these neighbors never thought they'd have to face.

“According to the people that have lived here most of their lives, no, this is not [typical]. It happens, but not the same in one year and not twice in one year,” said Coletta.

Fortunately, the water receded quickly in both neighborhoods. Both Coletta and Pace were thankful the water did not make it into either of their houses.