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Public works proposing limitations on docked boats in Cape Coral canals

Docked boats
Posted 9:01 PM, Jul 28, 2022
and last updated 10:42 PM, Jul 28, 2022

CAPE CORAL, Fla. — On Thursday, the first look at a proposed ordinance happening during a Cape Water Advisory meeting, which could eventually make its way to the city council.

The proposed ordinance by Public Works suggests that docked boats, should not be allowed to have a width from the seawall, or waterline that takes up 35% of the total width of the canal or reaches 70 feet, whichever is less.

Cape Coral Public Works Director, Michael Ilczyszyn presented the proposed ordinance to advisory board members.

“You can Moore from your seawall or from your waterline out 35% of the canal and the same thing on the other side 35% of the canal therefore always reserving the center third or 30% for navigation,” said Ilczyszyn.

The idea also sparked comments from water advisory board members who say some boats do stick out too far.

On Thursday, boaters like Mike James told me it's an issue he hasn't seen.

“I'm unaware of a problem and I'm always one of the opinions, no sense making laws till we have a reason to make a law,” said James.

Safe navigation through canals for city vessels and law enforcement, a reason given by ilczyszyn.

He also said it provides guidelines for enforcement.

“An officer could roughly just go out, and look and say is the center third of this canal available, and if not they could contact the registered owner and say we need you to restructure your mooring,“ said Ilczyszyn.

The Water Advisory Boards' main concern was that these suggested restrictions don't apply to boats fishing in the canals.

On Thursday members asked Ilczyszyn to refine some of the languages in the ordinance and bring it back to them before they make their recommendation to the city council.