

North Collier Fire-Rescue warns of phony fire inspectors


North Collier Fire-Rescue officials want the public to be aware of impersonators, who have reportedly approached several area businesses dressed like fire inspectors and charged cash on the spot for new extinguishers.

"The businesses are being coerced into these inspections, and not realizing that they have a choice to go out and (employ) whatever fire extinguisher company they want," said Fire Marshal Dale Fey of the North Collier Fire-Rescue District.

He said that businesses have reported that the phony inspectors wear shirts saying either "inspector" or "fire safety" on the back, and hats with an official-looking logo. Several businesses have been charged cash for either a new extinguisher, or for a new inspection tag.

Fey said that North Collier Fire personnel would never ask for money on site.

"It gives a bad light to the fire district, should this person be saying, 'you have to do this and give us the money,'" Fey said.

He said there's an easy way to spot a real fire inspector.

"Their name is always on their shirt, whether it's embroidered or on a badge," he said.

Fey said if there's still any doubt, ask for a business card.

Impersonating a fire marshal, inspector or firefighter is a third-degree felony. If the impersonation occurs during the commission of a separate felony, it is considered a first-degree felony.