NewsLocal News


Randall Boulevard expansion options unveiled in Collier County

Posted 3:11 AM, May 25, 2018
and last updated 11:01 AM, May 25, 2018

Collier County's population is expected to increase by 45,000 people over the next decade.

County transportation officials say to deal with the influx of residents, several roads need to be expanded in Golden Gate.

Officials unveiled four options, which would include expanding Everglades and Randall Boulevards.

"I agree, Randall road must be widened.  Three of the four options have Randall road being widened, only one has an S-curve," said Michael Hines, who is referring to option 1.

That proposal calls for a road connecting Randall Boulevard to Oil Well Road.  It would zig zag over a canal, from 27th Avenue Northeast to 31st Avenue Northeast.

"It should be called a BS curve," said Hines, who lives on 31st Avenue Northeast.

Hines and other neighbors say they bought property along these dead end roads for a reason.

"We're going to have these open roads along our dead end streets, all that noise is going to come right up, it's also going to eliminate our access to the canal," said Rae Ann Burton.

Officials say all the options on the table tonight are just suggestions, and are not set in stone, but people's concerns about the options will be considered.

"Ultimately, we will look at the environmental issues, the public involvement and opinion, the cost," said Project Manager Lorraine Lantz.

Based on public feed back the county expects to select one of the four options and send it to the county commission for final approval by the end of the year.