TALLAHASSEE, Fla. — A bill that states it would stop the injection of chemicals into Florida's atmosphere to change "temperature, weather, climate, or intensity of sunlight" has advanced.
Lawmakers reviewed Senate Bill 56on Tuesday. They approved it with a 10 to 2 favor. The measure will go to the Senate Rules Committee, next.
The bill also establishes an online form and email for the public to report such activities.
Offenders would face penalties up to $100,000 for violations. That money, the bill states, would go to the Air Pollution Control Trust Fund.
Miami Republican Sen. Ileana Garcia originally filed the bill on November 20.
According to AP News, a federal plan to research technology such as “stratospheric aerosol injection,” the concept of placing materials in the atmosphere to reflect sunlight away from Earth, is an idea that is being investigated and not currently in use.
Our FOX 29 affiliate adds to the conversation: "The chemtrails conspiracy theory posits that the visible trails left by airplanes, known as contrails, are actually chemicals intentionally sprayed into the atmosphere for various nefarious purposes, such as weather control or population manipulation. Despite these widespread beliefs, scientific research consistently shows that these trails are simply condensation formed from jet exhaust at high altitudes."
This conversation comes after TennesseeLegislature already passed a bill to prevent geoengineering practices.