

Million Woman March in Naples


Thousands gathered at Cambier Park in Naples Saturday chanting for women's rights as a part of a peaceful protest that's taking place nationwide.

But it was not just women that showed up to the event.

"Being a son of immigrants I can't tell you how I'm so proud of being called an America", said Herlan Taborga Martinez.

He says being an American means standing up for others especially those of the opposite sex.

"Nobody has the right to tell woman what to do with her body and most people who have hard decisions to make don't do it easily they do it with respect and sorrow" said Judith.

Women that came out the march say they are worried about the future of Planned Parenthood.

"Do anything to planned parenthood, defend planned parenthood. I hope he doesn't defund Medicare or do anything to fool around with the Medicare system", said Nancy Gold.

But overall those who showed up say they are really proud to be part of a bigger cause, one that's gaining attention nationwide.

"People were responding on the street which amazed me because i didn't expect that and there's so much solidarity out there that i didn't know existed in Naples", said Judith.