

First sexually-transmitted case of Zika in Fla.


TALLAHASSEE, Fla. -- The Centers for Disease Control says the number of Floridians diagnosed with the mosquito-bourne Zika virus has risen to 52, with the addition of two new cases in Polk County.  One of those new cases is the first sexually-transmitted case in the state.

The number of cases in Lee County remains steady at 3.

Miami-Dade County has the most cases at 24, followed by Broward County with 7.

Each of these patients contracted Zika while traveling in other countries. 

Only three of the confirmed cases are still exhibiting symptoms at this point.  Symptoms associated with the virus generally last 7-10 days.

The CDC has put out guidance related to the sexual transmission of the Zika virus. This includes the CDC recommendation that if you have traveled to a country with local transmission of Zika you should abstain from unprotected sex