

Florida jobless rate continues to dip slightly


TALLAHASSEE, Fla. (AP) - Florida's unemployment rate is still continuing to dip slightly.

The October unemployment rate was 5.1 percent, compared to 5.2 percent in the previous month. According to figures released Friday by the Department of Economic Opportunity, the state added 35,200 jobs last month.

The jobless rate remains higher than the national rate of 5 percent with approximately 492,000 unemployed Floridians.

Gov. Rick Scott touted the new job numbers a stop in Ponte Vedra Beach before a meeting with a private group that represents business leaders. He's made job creation his main focus during his time in office.

Florida added the second-highest number of jobs in the nation, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. The state trailed California, which added 41,200 jobs.

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