

Rubio considers re-election bid for Senate


TALLAHASSEE, Fla. -- The Orlando terror attack may have wide ranging political impacts this year. The race for Florida Senator is basically at a standstill right now while candidates wait to see if the attack has changed Marco Rubio's mind about running for re-election.

In the hours after the Orlando terror attack, behind the scenes of this tragedy, Senator Marco Rubio and Lt. Governor Carlos Lopez-Cantera met privately.  "Carlos and I had a conversation Sunday in Orlando before I left."

The conversation was more like an arrangement, according to some reports, where Lopez-Cantera -- currently running for Rubio's Senate seat -- would drop out if his old friend changed his mind and decided to run for re-election.

The gravity of the situation in Orlando and the importance of this election are reportedly weighing heavy on both men.

For a week, Rubio has stayed quiet on Twitter.  And here's the last thing he said publicly about a possible re-election run last week.  "Obviously I take things very seriously, everything that's going on. Not just in Orlando but in the country. I've enjoyed my service here a lot.  So I'll go home later this week and spend some time with my family. If there is a change in my status, I'll let you know."

While we wait, speculation is running high.  Representative David Jolly pulled out of the Senate primary, in part, because he believes Rubio will run.

If he does, Rubio will no doubt have the biggest name recognition in the election.  That's why Donald Trump is pushing hard for his formal rival to get in the race.  He believes more excitement on the GOP side will lead to more votes in a state crucial to his White House bid.

And Capitol Hill Republicans also see Florida as a potential make or break state, in the GOP keeping control of the Senate.  They're asking Rubio to run, believing he's the Republican with the best chance of winning.

Senator Rubio has until Friday to decide.  That's the deadline to be included on the primary ballot.