

Want to rent a chick for Easter? No, not that kind


COCOA, Fla. (AP) - Want to rent a chick for Easter? You can in central Florida.

The Green Marketplace in Cocoa is set to receive more than 100 baby chicks this week. You can rent two chicks for two weeks for $30. The chicks come with food, a box to keep them in and detailed instructions for their care.

Marketplace owner Mary Hise said the chicks come from a hatchery so they don't have a mother hen and like to bond with people. They can be picked up when they are 3-days old.

In their first two weeks, chicks will grow several inches, learn to fly and grow feathers.

At the end of the rental, participants have the option to keep the chicks. Florida Today ( ) reports the co-op even hosts a Chicken 101 class later in the month.


Information from: Florida Today (Melbourne, Fla.),

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