

Wanted: iguana wrestler wanted in Florida Keys


KEY LARGO, Fla. (AP) - Wanted: An iguana wrangler to go on patrol in the Florida Keys.

Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission staff posted an opening for a biologist to take the lead on dealing with Keys iguanas.

The Keynoter reports, the iguana population thrives on the chain of islands.

Iguanas are not considered aggressive but they do have teeth, claws and a whip-like tail that can inflict injury in a tangle with people or pets. They can grow to more than 5 feet long and live for more than a decade.

The reptiles are essentially vegetarian, but scientists fear voracious iguanas can devour endangered Keys plants and other plants needed by native species.

The new iguana wrangler will be paid from $18 to $22 as a temporary state employee with limited benefits.

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