At first glance, a painting at Gallery 206 in Naples seems to blend in with the rest. Until you look closely.
"Some of it was obvious, but it was fun to investigate it more fully," said Sara Drogin of Naples.
The painting is called the "New American Anarchist," and it was created shortly after the election by artist Stacy DeMott.
The picture depicts a little girl staring at a sign saying "Make America Great Again," President Donald Trump's popular campaign slogan. Part of the sign is ripped off and replaced with "Make Democracy Great Again."
"I felt like I wanted to stand up and say something, I feel like a lot of what is happening now is wrong, and I feel my voice is through art, so I wanted to make a painting to communicate that," said DeMott.
Also in the painting is a copy of George Orwell's book 1984.
"I thought that was particularly interesting because in the past administration, conservatives looked at the book and said hey, this is what is going on in the country right now." said Michael Lance.
But Paolo Ferrari says he doesn't quite agree with the painting's reflection of an uncertain future for America.
"We are dramatizing here in the states, we don't have problems compared to what Europeans have, and I'm from Italy. They are in deep trouble."
DeMott says she's hoping her art will get people to debate the issues in a respectful manner.
"I wanted to make a piece of fine art to talk about what is going on these days that isn't disrespectful."
DeMott says she's working on another "bold" painting that will also have a political theme.