

Undercover operation snares sex suspect

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LEE COUNTY, Fla. - A Tampa-area man thought he was driving to Lee County to have sex with an underage girl.  Instead, his trip ended with a pair of cold handcuffs and a ride to jail.

According to the Lee County Sheriff's Office, on January 21st, investigators began an undercover operation, conversing with the suspect via text messages.  An undercover detective assumed the role of a parent who was going to allow his/her underage daughter to have sex with the suspect.  During the next several days of messaging between the suspect and the undercover detective, the sexually-oriented conversations intensified.

The suspect then discussed traveling from his home on Dunedin, Florida to meet the presumed parent at a coffee shop in Lee County.  They would then proceed to the residence where the suspect would engage in a sexual act with the underage girl.  For good measure, the suspect brought along with him a stuffed animal for the child.

On Tuesday at approximately 9:40 a.m., the suspect arrived at the location in a silver Hyundai and immediately realized the jig was up.  He was arrested and taken to the Lee County Jail.

67-year-old Larry Urwiler is charged with:

  • Using a Computer to solicit the parent/guardian of a child to commit sex acts on a child
  • Traveling to solicit a parent/guardian to commit sex acts with a child
  • Lewd or Lascivious Behavior