
Jupiter boy serving homeless population in West Palm Beach

Posted 2:39 PM, Dec 18, 2020
and last updated 2:39 PM, Dec 18, 2020

JUPITER, Fla. — A giving heart at the age of 7 is a quality Jacoby Hudson possesses and one he hopes to help instill in other children.

When Hudson isn’t monkeying around on a playground like a typical second grade boy, you can find him walking places like Currie Park looking for a way to share a smile. He usually has a blanket and hot meal in hand, unexpectedly warming the hearts of those facing hardship.

"He reminds me of my grandson. Same height and everything," said one unidentified woman who was filled with joy after happily accepting Hudson’s gift on Tuesday morning.

After Thanksgiving, Hudson asked his mom if they could take the food leftover from their family meal and donate it. Together, they packaged sandwiches and that’s where it began, his first trip to Currie Park.

"I just want them to feel happy," said Hudson.

With the help of mom, Hudson started an online fundraiser and collected more than $1,100 dollars in three days to continue his efforts through Christmas. He is purchasing blankets and food to distribute.

"This is his idea. So we are just helping him accomplish it. I’m just so proud of him that he thought of this on his own, as a 7-year-old, that’s a pretty big deal," said Megan Hartman, Hudson’s aunt.

Hudson’s family said he’s had a couple of hard years himself coping with the loss of loved ones, and now he’s focused on doing good to inspire other children to do the same.

"It’s better to give then to receive," said Hudson.

Hartman said many of Hudson’s friends and children of her own friends now want to join him Christmas Day as he distributes more.

Hudson was also recently selected by his school to "Shop With A Cop." It was an experience with Jupiter police officers that encouraged him even more to give back.