Here is your forecast for Wednesday, March 5th, 2025.
A cold front is actively moving through SWFL this evening, triggering scattered showers across the area. Those showers will be cleared out by 8pm.
In the front's wake, drier air begins to arrive overnight. This means clouds will be clearing and we'll wake up Thursday to ample sunshine and temperatures in the upper 50s and lower 60.
Low humidity is expected throughout the day and it will stay breezy with gusts to 25 mph. Temperatures will be much cooler in the afternoon, only in the lower 70s.
The chilliest morning will be Friday when we wake up to widespread 40s! The cool snap won't linger long. By Friday afternoon, temperatures return to the upper 70s and climb into the lower 80s over the weekend.
Speaking of the weekend, lots of sunshine is forecast both Saturday and Sunday but Sunday will be windy ahead of another cold front. That front will move through Sunday night into Monday, bringing scattered rain to the forecast on Monday (but Sunday's radar should stay dry.)
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