

Cape Coral offering free potable water

Cape Coral offering free potable water

CAPE CORAL, Fla. -- The City of Cape Coral is offering free potable water to anyone in Lee County who needs it.

It will be available at Mariner Middle School and Northwest Regional Library from 4:30 pm Wednesday until 8 pm and 8 am until 8 pm Thursday through Sunday.

The  water can be used for drinking, cooking and bathing purposes and may be useful for flushing toilets in homes on a well and/or septic system that does not have power

People will need to provide proof of residence. Only City of Cape Coral residents can get water at Mariner Middle School, while any Lee County residents can get water at Northwest Regional Library. Residents are limited to 10 gallons of water per day per vehicle and must bring their own containers. Containers will not be provided.